Friday, February 12, 2010

Can the monthly birth control pills stop your period all together?

My period stopped coming about 2 months ago, and I am not taking seasonale or even skipping through the 4th week of the regular packs. I am just taking regular packs. I have taken 3 different pregnancy tests in the past 3 months, and they all came up negative. Is this normal for some birth control pills?Can the monthly birth control pills stop your period all together?
Yep. I was on Loestrin 24 and my period disappeared. I did a pregnancy test (negative) and called my doctor after the 2nd month. They said that some pills work so well with your body to prevent ovulation and control your hormones that there is no bleeding during the 4th week. I would call your doctor to make sure but they told me that it was nothing to be worried about and a normal side effect that can happen. I went about 6 months with no period before I changed pills for a different reason.Can the monthly birth control pills stop your period all together?
it can happen that your period stops when you are on the pill. you should be fine. every woman reacts differently to the pill. if you are really worried then go and see your gyno and ask her about it.
How long have you been on the pill?

It will affect different people in different ways. my period is different every month. It has varied from (mildly) heavy to none at all.

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