Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What kind of birth control for breastfeeding moms?

I am nursing a 5 month old, and will be for at least another 7 months. What kind of birth control is safe to use while I am breastfeeding. I am not interested in condoms, diaphrams, or VCF. Thanks!What kind of birth control for breastfeeding moms?
Well the best answer to this question is condoms. But since you dont prefer condoms, you should talk to your physician about proper birth control methods. I am a nursing student about to take my boards and I dont believe that I' ve learned of any birth control that a nursing mother should use other than condoms.If I had to take a guess, it would be progesterone only pills.What kind of birth control for breastfeeding moms?
Don't count on breastfeeding alone to prevent pregnancy. But, a combination of breastfeeding and the rhythm method might be what you're looking for.
The ';mini-pill,'; progestin only, is given to breastfeeding moms. It's the kind of pill you have to take at the same time every day; a couple of hours late severely affects its usefulness.

I got a Copper-T IUD, and I'm very happy with it. No hormones, no fuss, no remembering to put it in. Lasts 10 years. (The hormone based ones last 1 year.) But a lot of insurance plans don't cover it; the device costs about $400. (Four hundred for 10 years' protection is a pretty good price.)

FAM, the Fertility Awareness Method, is also usable, but it requires that you pay a lot of attention to your body, and keep very good records.
In view of the options you've eliminated, the only safe method I can think of still remaining is ...abstinence! Good Luck! Debbi
Breast feeding itself is said to be a good birth control measure.

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